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Hey People!!

So to answer the question, YES, WE CAN! *Insert Obama Voice*

Gratitude is the warm or deep appreciation we have for kindness or benefits received. 

Let's not confuse this with indebtedness which is the feeling of debt or owing. It does not necessarily carry a feeling of joy and freedom but a sense of need or obligation. It is often associated with guilt because there is this need to repay or to return.

There are two qualities of gratefulness :
  1. Appreciation : Recognizing that something is valuable to you, which has absolutely nothing to do with its monetary worth
  2. Gratis: Freely given to us

We live in a consumerist society whose main focus is what we do not have or what others have and we don't which ultimately leaves little to no room for gratitude which is the appreciation of what we already have.

One sunny afternoon, I got  home early from uni! Class was cancelled... Oh happy day!

So I thought.... 

I went to bed to take a long nap to compensate for waking up early! I was yawning like crazy ...If i tell you I opened my mouth so much I got a freaking Jaw Lock would you believe me? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

It's funny as hell right now but that day it wasn't! I had my mouth open like 

 for more than 4 hours as I waited for my mum to come get me, to going from hospital to hospital with saliva dripping from my mouth and doctors telling us they do not know how to address the lock jaw! SMH

Perfect example of siku mrefu I tell you! My younger bro saw me... you could see the confusion on his face. He didn't know whether to laugh, because I looked ridiculous with my mouth open like that or to cry, because tears of despondency were cascading down my cheeks (OMG! Finally a place I can use these phrases, haha!)caused by the serious migraine I was getting due to straining my facial muscles! Wah!

Long story short, we got a doctor at Aga Khan who knew exactly what to do! So he injected me with numbing meds, put six such like sticks inside each side of my mouth, pulled down my lower jaw with them and pushed it back! Jesus! I don't know what I did to deserve such a small mouth but please save me from that kind of pain again! 

Image result for wooden sticks used by the dentists

So when he chucked the sticks, a normal person would close their mouth, right? But no, I still kept staring at them with my mouth ajar... the nurse had to tap me abit to tell me to shut my mouth now! You can't blame me for liking the free flow of air people! hahaha!!! It is called the power of adjustment!

Soon as I got out of the consultation room, the first thing my dad asks is, "na mdomo yako inahang aje hivyo lakini?"  I laughed so hard I almost went back for round two!

So where am I going with this long story? Some things we happen to take for granted are honestly things we should really be grateful to God for i.e. 

  • the ability to swallow saliva and close our mouths with ease which I swear is a big deal! Take it from someone who has drooled like a baby in their adult life!
  • the gift of  good health, 
  • the gift of family; and the most important one, 

“Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” —Charles Dickens

If we take life to be a glass for example ... there are days we feel full to the brim until we are overflowing, some days we feel half full or half empty depending on the optimism levels that day and sometimes we feel just plain ol' empty. On days we feel less than full, and to make things worse people around us are waving champagne glasses (funny how most often than not it's always a facade), all we ever think about is how quickly we can fill the glass. Not only for ourselves but also to be like everyone else.

What we fail to understand is that, the moments of "great-fullness" are neither consistent nor assured.Moments that bring actual happiness and contentment are those that are spent being grateful FOR HAVING THE ACTUAL GLASS! So when you are content with the glass,the level of the content no matter how much or how little, will not faze you because your happiness is emanating from a deeper source which is choosing to focus on the bigger picture ( Gratitude for the gift of Life). At the end of the day, the contents you'd like to fill the glass with will have nowhere to be put if there is no existence of the glass.

The society has made us feel like we can never just have enough... there is always something better that needs to be purchased be it a phone ( I don't think ya'll really realize how Samsung and Iphone manufacturers are profiting from us always not being content), a weave, a car etc. for us to feel fulfilled and complete. What we forget is that there will always be a newer model ... so when will our thirst for more ever end? It's an endless cycle!

Grab a cup of whatever tickles your fancy, sit down and realize how rich you are beyond words because of all that you have. Shift your focus from life's cruelty and pain and be grateful for all the small mercies!πŸ’–πŸ’–

For all those that would like to try something new, I found a 6 step method which we could all use to practice gratitude:

      1.      Choose a partner

            Choose someone with whom you are comfortable and start the gratitude practice.

2.     Commit
Commit to do the practice on the set day and time even when you have every reason under the sun not to do it.
As much as you can hardly sum up the energy to shift into gratitude after a bad experience or a crappy day, just force yourself to begin.
3.     Begin
Sit your ass down with a pen and paper if you wanna be old school or at your computer and start, “I am grateful for….”
It may not come easily at that point but just be patient. Surrender to the moment. The words will come.
4.     Choose a set time/day
This is to ensure you both stay committed to the task. This could be daily, weekly... do not try to extend it too long.
5.     Share your gratitude
Send it to your partner. You should keep each other on toes. Partnering up will give you a sense of responsibility and it will push you on days when it just seems too hard.
6.     Allow yourself to be human
Grumble if you must, haha, as long as you get yourself to do it. If y’all happen to miss a day, you and your partner may choose to play catch up or just let those days go and starting where you left off.

Don't forget to make it fun for the two of you while you are at it!

Spread Love and LightπŸ’‹
A Learning-To-Be-Grateful Njeri

So to initiate the gratitude process, leave a comment on something you are grateful for. I'll start:
I am grateful for my readers who take time out of their day to read this blog.  All the support and love y'all have shown me is amazing. Thank you very muchπŸ’

I am grateful for the ability to yawn in peace even though I have to put my chin close to my chest to control how much of my mouth I open, hehe! It's way better than hanging and the migraines.

I am grateful for all that I am learning as I write posts for this blog. It truly is a growth journey. Thank you to all those who told me to go for it. Best idea ever.

Now it's your turn. Write as many as you like.


  1. Well said, and very well put, what you appreciate appreciates. Keep going girl, we all behind you.

    1. I like that.. "what you appreciate, appreciates"

      Thanks for the encouragement! You however did not mention what you are grateful for :(

  2. This is amazing. I am grateful I have such pieces to read; adding my wisdom one nugget at a timeπŸ‘ŠπŸ‘Š

    1. It goes both ways cuz! Thank you for being an avid reader. Much love

  3. Stuck at hanging mouthπŸ˜‚....You just reminded me of this day..haha...I love your reads girl.Keep writing, we are getting enlightened.

    1. Hahaha! You remember this incident! Heeeh! Vituko tu!

      I am happy you are gaining something form them!! Thanks for the continued support love

  4. I am grateful for the gift of an amazing friend like Njeri. Your work is good, i feel like you speak to me in every post.
    I am grateful for the gift of learning new things from your posts
    I am grateful for the gift of my dad's continued improved health

    1. Aaaaaaw! Giiiiirl!! I am grateful for the gift of you ! I am so happy dad is getting better! My prayers go out to him!! I love you Ma'

  5. Awesome message. Reading such inspirational messages inspires me alot

    1. I am glad to a source of inspiration for you Kevo! Thanks for reading :)

  6. I am grateful for the gift of you. Crazy, funny, no nonsense but very loving cousin.
    I am grateful for the gift of life. I am grateful for the gift of good health.
    I am most grateful for the gift of love.
    You gave a gift in writing, be thankful to God about that too as we are grateful to have such inspiring pieces from you!

    1. I am grateful for you too my lovely cousin... Responsible, loving, strict at times but with the best intentions!

      Thank you hunny! I am grateful to Him everyday and for all those who supported it from when it was whatsapp status pictures, hehe

  7. Simply amazing! The many things we take for granted! We indeed need to talk to the man upstairs not to ask for anything, but just to thank him for all that we have!! Beautiful piece.

    1. I agree... sometimes we only pray to ask for more and more things and forget to even thank him for all that He has already blessed as with.

      And thank you. :)

  8. I am grateful for this piece of writing and you sharing it with us :) people who make you laugh and learn are the best kind keep on it Mami

    1. Aaaaaw Shucks! Thanks Papi! I really appreciate! :)

  9. Beautiful!!! Just did the "gratitude practice" and it made me feel much better. Thank you!

    1. You got a partner and everything??? Yaaaaaaas!! That is so awesome! Thanks for trying it out :)

  10. I am grateful for all the people I get to call friends. And I mean friends. Like you girl. Thank you for this piece. Many a times we get so lost trying to make a life that we forget to actually live.

    1. I appreciate to to Ma'

      We just need to cultivate a culture where we appreciate all that we already have

  11. Great piece,reminds me of how I start to think of all the times I took breathing normally for grante whenever my nostrils block ��

    1. Hahaha! I don't even know how I forgot to mention that. The times we get a flu are the days we appreciate our nose when haijafungana

      Thanks for this!

  12. I'm grateful for making me grin(...hanging mouth part) . I'm grateful for my health, family and friends. Above all, I'm unfeignedly grateful for God's unrivaled love by showering unbridled blessings.

    1. I wanna appreciate you Arnold for always commenting on my articles! Thank you

      And boy what books you reading? you out here dropping vocabularies! hahaha!

      I am grateful that God has blessed you with all that and I pray He sends more your way! :)

  13. Great piece gal! It's always gud to be Grateful for the many things God has done/given us. Everyday let's count our blessings one by one and be truly grateful for themπŸ‘

    1. I could not agree more!!

      Thanks so much for taking the time to go through it :)

  14. Awesome!! I love it!! Keep up the good work!!

  15. I am grateful for my family I do not know where I would be without them
    I am grateful to have a friend in you
    I am grateful for the mistakes and failures that I have endured because they have taught me so much....
    And lastly I am grateful to be healthy and for my life


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